vanilla spotify
Many of you guys asked me to share my spotify playlists and so I do now. I am not much of a music-pro, actually I have no clue when it comes to that, I don't know any artists and can't remember any song titles. I just have three playlists which are mixed through the genres.
I know for most people it's impossible to understand, but I started listening to music just a few months ago. Before I lived in silence and didn't miss it. Truth to be told, it changed everything haha.
Now you can follow my account vanilla icedream on spotify and listen to my favourite songs.
vanilla roadtrip
my absolut favorite music to listen to when I drive for hours alone in the van. Be aware for trashy singalong 90's hits and dramatic songs you can't stop shouting to on full volume. I know, not everyone will agree with me on this playlist, but those who do will love it.Click here to listen to vanillas roadtrip playlist.
vanilla sunset
This playlist I play not just during sunset but everytime I want to create the feeling you have, watching a sunset. It's calming and light, cute songs to make you feel happy.Click here to listen to vanillas sunset playlist.
vanilla classic
classic music touches my soul. for me it's the best music whenever I have to concentrate for example while reading or working.Click here to listen to vanillas classic playlist.
You liked my playlist or you know some songs I have to add? I'd be glad to read it in the comments below.
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